langue fr BOSCH (FRANCE) SAS - 18/04/2024

Bosch's customized cooking stove for northern Africa: Adapting to local need

Interested in a stove that can cook multiple large meals at the same time?
Then the FS90 Range Cooker from Bosch could be an option if you happen to live in Egypt. It is designed to prepare many dishes and meals at the same time. Test persons from Egypt helped to develop this stove tailored to local needs. Cooking with my family in the evening is a great way for me to unwind after a stressful day, says Bassent Helmy as she mixes turmeric and paprika powder with oil in a bowl to make a marinade. The financial manager lives with her family in El Shorouk, a suburb of Cairo. She loves to cook and the black oven with dark tinted glass and five large gas burners forms the centerpiece of the white high-gloss kitchen in Helmys home.

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